Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I'm trying to automate the creation of objects similar to this :
I have several alternatives but I prefer Imagemagick for various reasons.
My final goal is give to my users an html interface where can click on preview, make changes, then commit job.
Anyone can help me to build a script to create above object ?
The hardest part is making text flow within the defined area. This can be done with SVG and Inkscape. See SVG documentation, and examples at
Thank you for reply,
i must choose a differents solution for this task. We've a mPDF server internally, that can 'convert' a html model to pdf.
See my request here : ... te-a-model
In past, I've already read your writings about svg. Good reads.
Snibo why you do not release your programs/scipts ?
Could solve many problems for non-scripting guys
I write my web pages for myself, not other people. I write them to help myself, in my own work. I often remember that something is possible, and I have done it before, but I've forgotten the details.
I publish some (but not all) of my web pages, including over 150 scripts and 1000 single-command examples, in the hope that they may be useful or interesting to people. But that isn't my main intention.