Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
If you threshold your hand image and make it white on black showing the hand properly thresholded, then you do -morphology edgein and get the hand outline. Then convert that to txt and filter using grep "white". You will get all edge pixels that way.
I think diegomage wants the top-most point of the hand, and the left-most and right-most and bottom-most points.
If so, then make a white hand on a black background. "-trim" finds the bounding rectangle. The first white pixel in that image is the top-most point of the hand. Crop to the first column, and any white pixel in that crop if the left-most point of the hand.
You can get the convex hull from the link I provided after thresholding. Then you could try my script corners to find the line vertices of the convex hull. Alternately, use -canny to get the edges and -hough-lines to get straight lines for the edges of the convex hull, then from the straight lines you could find the intersections of the lines. See