Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Posts: 2971 Joined: 2006-05-20T08:08:19-07:00
Location: Cambridge, England
by Bonzo » 2006-10-22T00:50:41-07:00
Either of these will work:
Code: Select all
exec('usr/local/bin/convert 3.jpg -crop 20x20+4+4 test/2.jpg');
exec("$convert 3.jpg -crop 20x20+4+4 test/2.jpg");
Posts: 2971 Joined: 2006-05-20T08:08:19-07:00
Location: Cambridge, England
by Bonzo » 2006-10-22T09:17:57-07:00
Couple of other things I would try:
Code: Select all
$convert = "/usr/local/bin/convert";
$new_image = "test/2.jpg";
exec("$convert 3.jpg -crop 20x20+4+4 $new_image");
Try saving to the same folder to see if that works using 2.jpg rather than test/2.jpg
You can use -debug in the code and see if that outputs any messages but for some reason that never works for me.