Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Only by giving up transparency. Gif supports only binary transparency, so you cannot blend a color with transparency.
If, however, you know that the gif will be displayed on a white background, you can get an antialiased effect with a command like the following. But now white jaggies will show up if the image is on a non-white background.
Or you can add fonts to the list IM knows about by creating a personal ".magick/type.xml" file in your home directory. A linux script to do this is pointed to from the top level IM Examples web page.
2. the fonts are defined to a set assumed to be present for the Im installation
That is ghostscript fonts under UNIX and windows fonts under windows.
However that does not mean the other oS can't use the other font sets, it just means that they need to be found and configured into the appropriate 'type.xml' file, or referenced dirertly using a filepath.
3. Underlines is a 'decoration', and can be specified using a little used MVG drawing setting -draw 'decorate UnderLine text ...'
If you have a modern version of the fontconfig library, recent versions of ImageMagick will pick up all your Linux system defined fonts autoomatically.
The 'pfb' is the file that the 'type.xml' declared is present for a particualr font.
It is a Type 1 Postscript font and as such is probably a ghostscript font.
It is probably caused by ghostscript not being installed (though it s fonts were declared to IM) or installed in a place different to where it was when IM was compiled.
Check taht your system type-ghostscript.xml file referes to the correct locatons,
or recompile IM specifically for your current system.
Allturnativeally, use the im_type_gen script to generate a new system-wide type.xml
file, and replace the incorrect system file completely. I suggest this as IM will always
give preference to the system defined font than a personal one, for security reasons.
As such an incorrect system definition may not be easily 'fixed' by a personal one.