Questions and postings pertaining to the development of ImageMagick, feature enhancements, and ImageMagick internals. ImageMagick source code and algorithms are discussed here. Usage questions which are too arcane for the normal user list should also be posted here.
by ashishphp » 2008-09-08T02:16:37-07:00
hello friends,
I am totally confused how to cofigure image magick on linux server to work.
I am not able to configure it on a local window server also.
My task is to convert a pdf to jpg of required area
Can any one help me
I must be very thankful to him/her
with regards
Posts: 8883 Joined: 2004-05-31T19:27:03-07:00
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by anthony » 2008-09-08T19:06:28-07:00
Best way is to download the source and build it yourself...
I myself download the source and build a SRPM
Then I build the install package from the SRPM
Code: Select all
tmp=/tmp/build-using-a-long-build-path; rm -rf $tmp; mkdir $tmp
nice rpmbuild --define="_sourcedir $tmp" --define="_specdir $tmp" \
--define="_rpmdir $tmp" --define="_builddir $tmp" \
--nodeps --rebuild ~/store/IM/ImageMagick-*.src.rpm
ls -Fla $tmp/*/ImageMagick-[6p]*.i386.rpm
rm -f *.i386.rpm; cp $tmp/*/ImageMagick-[6p]*.i386.rpm .
rm -rf $tmp
now install that...
Code: Select all
sudo rpm -Uhv --force --nodeps ImageMagick-[6p]*.i386.rpm
Only the final step needs to be root!
by ashishphp » 2008-10-14T22:52:07-07:00
thanks a lot
can you please help in the following--
i am able to convert a pdf to jpg using image magick but only maximum upto 35 pages
can i able to increse the page limit
please answer me soon at
anthony wrote: Best way is to download the source and build it yourself...
I myself download the source and build a SRPM
Then I build the install package from the SRPM
Code: Select all
tmp=/tmp/build-using-a-long-build-path; rm -rf $tmp; mkdir $tmp
nice rpmbuild --define="_sourcedir $tmp" --define="_specdir $tmp" \
--define="_rpmdir $tmp" --define="_builddir $tmp" \
--nodeps --rebuild ~/store/IM/ImageMagick-*.src.rpm
ls -Fla $tmp/*/ImageMagick-[6p]*.i386.rpm
rm -f *.i386.rpm; cp $tmp/*/ImageMagick-[6p]*.i386.rpm .
rm -rf $tmp
now install that...
Code: Select all
sudo rpm -Uhv --force --nodeps ImageMagick-[6p]*.i386.rpm
Only the final step needs to be root!