Although I can convert all these types my attempts have always resulted in colors differences between the original file and the new JPEG. Although some color difference is acceptable the difference I get are quite considerable.
I'd like to know if there's a "perfect" setup for ImageMagick. I have complete control over the server I use and would happily put on any Linux OS with any modules required but I'm not even sure if this perfect setup is possible in an entirely automated system. Should it be possible to convert for example from CMYK to RGB acceptably given any potential source of CMYK TIFF or PNG? Should it be possible to convert from all of the above formats to JPEG with excellent results with no manual intervention?
If anyone out there has the knowledge on how to do this but isn't inclined to post publicly then we are more than happy to pay for consultancy if you or someone you know is an ImageMagick wizz.
Many thanks from an increasingly desperate James.