Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
I use same font on web using gd2 lib and using mogrify localy. Rendering same text I get different output.
Please take a look at the image
In the screen shot upper text in picture is result of mogrify rendering below is result from gd2. If you look at "c" letter you will see that it is cut from button in image generated from mogrify and few more letters feels cutted a bit from bottom.
I use
mogrify.exe -font annifont -pointsize 14 -fill black -annotate +25+70 "Serene landscape" empty.gif
This effect is happening only if font is less than 16 point, when larger it is rendered nicely.
Is there anything I can improve it so also with small font sizes the image is ok?
I am using recent ImageMagick with 16bit calculations and in 64bit executable format on Win7 Pro 64bit.
I mentioned in my first post that gd2 library renders that text better. I just tried run it locally on the same system where I run ImageMagick and text is also rendered correctly. Does it means that gd2 lib is using different font engine?
I am using ImageTTFText() function of gd2 library to render the font.