Magick++, lossless JPEG 2000

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Magick++, lossless JPEG 2000

Post by aseering »

I'm trying to write a Lossless JPEG 2000 image from Magick++ (the C++ ImageMagick binding). If I just save with magick="JP2", I get a JPEG 2000 image that's very close to the original, but has lots of off-by-1 errors.

From these forums, it sounds like ImageMagick can itself do Lossless JPEG 2000. Anyone know how to tell Magick++ to do this?

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Re: Magick++, lossless JPEG 2000

Post by fmw42 »

IM uses the Jasper delegate library to do JP2000. You can use that delegate library stand alone if you want to test things.

Re: Magick++, lossless JPEG 2000

Post by aseering »

Thanks. Any pointers on how to do this? (Does Jasper have API docs somewhere?; I've not been able to find them, only the general overview doc on its website.)
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Re: Magick++, lossless JPEG 2000

Post by fmw42 »

I have never used it directly. Docs at You could try searching the IM archives and see if there are any pointers.

Re: Magick++, lossless JPEG 2000

Post by aseering »

Yeah; those are the general/abstract design docs, not API docs.

This feels a lot me like the off-by-1 bug discussed elsewhere in these forums. But I'm setting "jp2:mode=int" and that's not helping, and I'm running a newer version of ImageMagick than the noted buggy one...
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