I just discovered ImageMagick and already it made a few things a lot easier, I really can't understand how I missed this for so long and spend countless hours with stupid manual workarounds...
What I'm doing right now is resizing a bunch of images in a folder. Images are different sizes and end up being 900x1200, my image magick line looks like this:
Code: Select all
convert %%a -rotate -90">" -resize 900x1200^^ -gravity center -extent 900x1200 c:\resized\%%a
Some of the images are landscape images though, I rotate these because the whole bunch goes into some photoshop actions afterwards and for that its very handy to have all the images in the same size and orientation.
Now the question is - obviously it would be nice to have some way of knowing afterwards which of the images originally were landscape orientation to automatically rotate them back accordingly. I thought about a number of possible solutions but can't seem to really get it. How would you do this, what's the best way to go here? (Main goal being of course to spare me any manual sorting outside of my batchfile...

Thanks for your help,
PS I'm using IM on Win XP in case that makes any difference...
PPS I don't know if IM touches Exif-data at all, just in case, my images do not necessarily have any EXIF anyway...