Windows - Resize and move/copy

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Windows - Resize and move/copy

Post by Socom »

I am trying to figure this out, but apparently I dont get it.

we get new pictures in through out the day my thoughts are that they would be put in a temp folder. IM would scan the folder, make thumbnails of the images, copy the orginals to one folder, the thumbs to another and remove the image from the temp folder.



after its done it would be..


with nothing left in the /temp folder. (notice there is a subfolder structure like the /1/ that needs to be followed when moving/copying

So first question, is this possible? if not, can someone at least tell me how to do batch thumbs and have those copied into another folder.

Thanks! I hope :)
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Re: Windows - Resize and move/copy

Post by fmw42 »

batch processing for all (wild card selected) files in one directory can be send to another directory using mogrify. see

Re: Windows - Resize and move/copy

Post by Socom »

Will that copy folder structure? reading it I didnt get that it does.. I did a test tho and this is what I got..

C:\test\>mogrify -path thumb -thumbnail 100x100 *

Magick: no decode delegate for this image format `Thumbs.db' @ error/constitute.

within the \test folder I created a folder called 'thumb'
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Re: Windows - Resize and move/copy

Post by fmw42 »

No it does not traverse the folder tree, just one level of files as far as I know. If you need it otherwise, then you will have to script traversing the folder structure and doing one image at a time with convert. Or script changing directories and use mogrify to process each directory one directory at a time.
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