I'm able to apply a CLUT (with an alpha channel) to an image successfully using 'convert' but am having no success with trying to use 'mogrify' to overwrite the same image. My 'convert' command is thus:
Code: Select all
convert -alpha Off example.png -channel RGBA green_gradient.png -clut example_clut.png

and applies a 256x1 CLUT (with an alpha channel) to produce this:

Essentially, I'd like to do the same with 'mogrify' to change the original image. I get a segmentation fault error if I try and run either of these:
Code: Select all
mogrify -alpha Off example.png -channel RGBA green_gradient.png -clut example.png
mogrify -channel RGBA green_gradient.png -clut -alpha Off example.pngproduce the result with piping IM output
Code: Select all
mogrify -alpha Off example.png -channel RGBA green_gradient.png -clut
Thanks in advance.