Unable to get type metrics

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Unable to get type metrics

Post by kernelpanic »

hi, I'm using XP SP3 and the latest download from sourceforge. I'm trying to convert a simple text file (name.txt) which contains a name like "kernelPanic" to a png image.

All my attempts

convert name.txt name.png
convert text:name.txt name.png

and various other renditions that include -font -size, etc and even my attempts to convert a label using some of the commonly found examples, all result in this error

convert: unable to get type metrics (name.txt)

Google has been no help. The forums here had a reference to needing ghostscript installed - that was on a server environment - but I installed it anyway - same error.

Does anyone know where I have gone astray here?

Posts: 1015
Joined: 2005-03-21T21:16:57-07:00

Re: Unable to get type metrics

Post by el_supremo »

Try something like this:

Code: Select all

convert -font "Lucida-Handwriting-Italic" -pointsize 48 label:@name.txt name.png
Sorry, my ISP shutdown all personal webspace so my MagickWand Examples in C is offline.
See my message in this topic for a link to a zip of all the files.

Re: Unable to get type metrics

Post by kernelpanic »

el_supremo wrote:Try something like this:

Code: Select all

convert -font "Lucida-Handwriting-Italic" -pointsize 48 label:@name.txt name.png
thank you - that get's me the same basic error

convert: Unable to get type metrics (@name.txt)

I'm now wondering if this is not some configuration issue on this install. I will try it on another PC and see

Re: Unable to get type metrics

Post by kernelpanic »

well, not sure what the issue is on this computer. ImageMagick will not run at all. I've uninstalled/reinstalled - all I get now is an error that the program is not configured properly. :(
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