-transparent results in faded-out images

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Re: -transparent results in faded-out images

Post by Misty »

Sorry to bump, but I'm interested in hearing if the developers have any ideas about the JPEG2000 file size and quality discrepancies.

In the meantime, I've switched my script to regular JPEG for more consistent results.
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Re: -transparent results in faded-out images

Post by anthony »

Have you tried using -background black -alpha Background before saving to jpg2000?
Does this make s difference to your final file size? It should not change the image in any visible way, just assigned the color behind fully-transparent pixels. It would hopefully mae the compression just that much better.

See http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/basics ... background
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages

Re: -transparent results in faded-out images

Post by Misty »

No, adding that option results in no difference to the final file size.
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