but the puzzling thing, some very simple options in commands are not working, maybe you can help me

so all these commands worked in windows perfect, but in linux they only work if we remove the following in 5 of them:
in one of them removing
-alpha opaque
in another removing
in another removing
in another the problem is
in another finally, the colorspace seems to do something strange
its a command to make an image black and white using
-channel R -evaluate multiply 0.8 -channel G -evaluate multiply 0.1 -channel B -evaluate multiply 0.1
this worked great in windows to make the image black and white, but in linux the image stays in color and gets crazy

so all these, why is this, is this because a library is missing, i dont think so these seem to execute in the bash, not in php, so is it a syntax problem but its so simple
what could it be? i guess something is missing in the installation? i dont know
how can something as simple as -auto-level not be accepted
the puzzling thing is that very complex commands are working from php no problems,
very complex ones using the most complex things from vignette to sigmoidal contrast and more, lots of things, its just that these specific things are not working
-alpha opaque
-channel to make black and white image
in all those 5 cases, i was removing thing by thing until i found which part was crashing the command and thats why i found it was those 5 things i have mentioned above
why do you think thats not working, do those need a different syntax in linux?
thank u
