I really need your help with a problem, which I am not able to solve by myself. I tried the whole day now, but I did not succeed.

I have uploaded two png image files within the following ZIP file: http://www.2shared.com/file/OhEEo0ud/Images.html
The image names are:
The 17113_start.png file has an transparent background but the opacity of the other image parts is 100%. Now I would like to convert this file in such a way that the background is still transparent, but the other image parts should have an opacity value of 30% (transparency of 70%). This is shown in 17113_final.png. I have done this by using gimp, but as I want to do that with thousands of images it would be good if this is possible by using mogrify.exe. But I did not find the correct swith to do that. I thing also the image depth has to be altered, because even in Gimp it was only possible after switching the color model to RGB (24bit). But as I have said, I have no clue which commands I have to use for that.
Maybe someone could help me with this.
Many thanks in advance and best regards,