Overlaying an image on multiple images

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Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by Demian »

ImageMagick 6.7.4-2
Windows 7
Windows command-line

I'm really new to ImageMagick but I managed to extract all frames from a GIF animation. Now I would like to overlay a gif image on top of all of these frames. I know how to compile the frames back to GIF. I can overlay individual images but not all of them at once. The frames are named f_#.gif and the overlay is overlay.gif and it is the same size as the frames. I have a bit over 200 frames.

I tried this but it only wrote one "anim_0.gif" and it was full black.

Code: Select all

composite -gravity center overlay.gif f_*.gif anim_%d.gif
This code correctly writes one image with the overlay but I don't know how I would do all of them at once.

Code: Select all

composite -gravity center overlay.gif f_0.gif anim_%d.gif
Although scaling multiple images with this code works fine.

Code: Select all

convert -scale 50% f_*.gif scaled_%d.gif
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Re: Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by glennrp »

I would try the "mogrify" application with the "-draw image over ..." optoon
(first copy all of the GIF images into a new working directory and
run "mogrify" there, because the input images will be overwritten with the
watermarked ones).
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Re: Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by Demian »

I can't figure out how it mogrify works. Where is the input image? This is as far as I got but it gives error not to mention there is no input image.

Code: Select all

mogrify -draw 'image Over 0,0 0,0 "overlay.gif"' anim_%d.gif
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Re: Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by fmw42 »

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Re: Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by Bonzo »

Try this

Code: Select all

convert animation.gif -coalesce -gravity South -geometry +0+0 null: watermark.png -layers composite -layers optimize watermarked_animation.gif
Refresh this page to see the example again.
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Re: Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by Demian »

Bonzo wrote:Try this

Code: Select all

convert animation.gif -coalesce -gravity South -geometry +0+0 null: watermark.png -layers composite -layers optimize watermarked_animation.gif
Oh my. That worked. Thanks!

Any idea how to make individual frames longer in a gif? For example frame 1 would be 2 seconds long, frames 2-100 4ms and frame 101 10 seconds?
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Re: Overlaying an image on multiple images

Post by anthony »

You can also use -layers composite to overlay one image over a large number of images already in memory.

convert logo: granite: null: rose: -geometry +10+10 -layers composite images_%d.png

This overlays the rose image onto two images.

See IM Examples...
and specifically the next section on the operators special handling when only one image is provided in one of the two image lists (separated by the special "null:" marker image)
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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