For each image in animated GIF, do this, save to JPG images

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Re: For each image in animated GIF, do this, save to JPG ima

Post by anthony »

Note their also a third way of bluring just a small area.
Using a variable Blur Map.

So three solutions
Regions, Write Masks, and Variable Blur.

NOTE: also see 'Read Masks' which uses blur as a demonstration of the of the difference between a read and a write mask, as part of a discussion about adding true read masks to IMv7.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: For each image in animated GIF, do this, save to JPG ima

Post by nokee »

I've tried it with several GIFs, here's the one I tried last with (didn't work, same result as with all the other (terminate after some time, no output, no message, no error)):

In case the hotlink above doesn't work, try this:

Here's the smallest number of arguments needed to reproduce the trouble I'm having:

Code: Select all

convert machine.gif -region 10x10+0+0 +region img/image%05d.png
As soon as I remove "+region" I get output written to disk. Version: ImageMagick-6.5.8-Q16
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Re: For each image in animated GIF, do this, save to JPG ima

Post by anthony »

Nice animation, 101 frames. -- could be a useful device for a 'marble race' or 'ball bearing clock' type of device (have a look on youtube for similar machines). Though it could become 'stuck' as red part is 'unlocked' well before the pen gets into the slot! But it is a great little device.

Your command worked fine for me, no problems at all (IM v 6.7.5-9), though I did get an error
"geometry does not contain image"
That basically means one of the images has a virtual offset that the region crop outside the actual image.
In fact only the first frame contains the image!

Hmm I do not think region handled virtual canvas properly...
Yeap I was right, the region restoration does not take into account the image virtual offset, though the crop does.

Gravity probably also stuffs it up. Nope that is handled right (except when a virtual canvas offset is present).

I'll make a note as I am about to re-implement region for the new IMv7 Shell API.

In the mean time this works fine for me...

Code: Select all

  convert vuFfe.gif -coalesce -region 40x40+140+100 -negate +region -layers Optimize t.gif
Mind you the -layers optimise, makes the animation a lot smaller (296Kb -> 230Kb) due to its use of Transparent Optimization (a type of better compression of image data)
For the frame optimization you had originally use -layers OptimizeFrame
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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