It would have been nicer to have the same original texture image so that one can compare.
Nevertheless, your texture image is not the same size as your shoe image, so it needs to be stretched. But try this. It is the very same technique used in the two examples listed above for similar things.
(Change the amount below to make the distortion increase)
(NOTE for ease of my use, I renamed images and I added 1 as a prefix to all images)
convert \( 1dollar.jpg -resize 180x151! \) \( 1shoe.jpg -auto-level \) \
-virtual-pixel transparent -compose displace \
-set option:compose:args -${amount}x-${amount} -composite 1dollar_dm${amount}.png
convert 1shoe.jpg 1dollar_dm${amount}.png \( -clone 0 -threshold 55% \) \
-compose over -composite 1shoe_1dollar_dm${amount}_comp.png
Note I did -auto-level on the shoe so as the make the effect more intense in the first command
I also thresholded the shoe to make a mask for compositing the texture over the shoe in the second command
This is effectively a "shape from shading" method using the shading as a displacement map.
P.S. It occurs to me that some of the "effect" may just be coming from the stretched overlay image. So a larger image that can be cropped to the right size, might be a better indication.
So I made a grid pattern
convert -size 180x151 pattern:hs_cross 1grid.png
Then applied the same processing:
convert 1grid.png \( 1shoe.jpg -auto-level \) \
-virtual-pixel transparent -compose displace \
-set option:compose:args -${amount}x-${amount} -composite 1grid_dm${amount}.png
convert 1shoe.jpg 1grid_dm${amount}.png \( -clone 0 -threshold 55% \) \
-compose over -composite 1shoe_1grid_dm${amount}_comp.png