How would I compile ImageMagick from source on Centos 5.8 64bit LAMP server WITHOUT librsvg-2? I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, i'm just having brain fart and not finding it.
I'm happy to lose SVG support, no format is worth having gnome on a server to me.
I tried
Code: Select all
./configure --without-rsvg
make install
Code: Select all
[root@secure4 ImageMagick-6.7.6-5]# convert -v
convert: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
In my specific case I'm also using Atomic Turtle Secured Linux which goes a long way to improving security, but also (correctly) gets in the way of a lot of insecure gnome goings on, so when convert is run, my logs fill up with
(process:30628): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory: Permission denied
I've been googling for days, and found fedora bug reports have been filing up for 7 years now complaining about hauling in lots of gnome deps and sub deps.
gnome-vfs has no business on a web server

librsvg2 brings in:
gnome-mount / gnome-vfs2 / libbonoboui / libgnome / libgnomecanvas / libgnomeui / libgsf
librsvg2 & librsvg2-devel brings in :
gnome-mount / gnome-vfs2 / gnome-vfs2-devel / libbonoboui / libbonoboui-devel / libcroco-devel / libgnome / libgnome-devel / libgnomecanvas / libgnomecanvas-devel / libgnomeui / libgnomeui-devel / libgsf / libgsf-deve
The problem isn't ImageMagick, which is awesome, its the librsvg which has deranged dependencies.