The logo test worked. And you were correct about my input image being 24bit. But what I am confused about (and frustrated with myself about) is that I had this working at one point all in one shot... with the same input image!
I'm not sure why yet, but if I hit it twice it works and I end up with a 32bit alpha transparency.
Code: Select all
convert "E:\Folder\ImageIN.BMP" -fuzz 50%% -fill none -floodfill +0+0 "rgb(192,192,192)" "PNG32:E:\Folder\ImageOUT.PNG"
convert "E:\Folder\ImageOUT.PNG" -alpha set -channel RGBA -colorspace RGB -fuzz 20%% -fill none -floodfill +0+0 black -shave 1x1 "PNG32:E:\Folder\ImageOUT2.PNG"
Above, the first pass results in the black background I've been trying to avoid, the second pass removes the black background and creates the transparency.
I did BOTH in one single command ... AND had nicely smoothed edges. The above still leaves me with jagged edges.
(I'm sooo frustrated with my @#$% self. I had a "jewel" of a command line... AND LOST IT??? )
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can combine the separate commands above into one and how to deal with the anti-aliasing?