CMYK PDF to RGB PNG issue.

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CMYK PDF to RGB PNG issue.

Post by valaxedos »

Dear all,

I am trying to convert several PDF in a special prepress workflow made in a specific GUI interface called PowerSwitch.
I am able to use an "execute command" which invoke the command line convert from ImageMagick.

I tried to solve a colorcast without any satisfaction and success…

I know that GhostScript is by default unable to give the right color conversion.
I then decided to modify the delegates.xml and added after each "gs" option the command line option of ‘-dUseCIEColor‘.

But unfortunately, this approach won't work either.

Is it at least a solution?
Many thanks beforehand for your help!

All the best
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Re: CMYK PDF to RGB PNG issue.

Post by anthony »

For you the best Idea many be to DIY, and call ghostscript yourself. You can use the delegate commands as a starting point.

NOTE IM does do a LOT of extra file processing (with temporaries) when using ghostscript. This is due to security concerns and pipeline handling of the input source images. By DIY'ing it you can avoid a lot of that extra processing.

For example see.. IM Examples, Text Processing, Using GhostScript Directly
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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