Black and White Effect

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Black and White Effect

Post by agriz »

How to do this effect?
Give me some clues.

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Re: Black and White Effect

Post by fmw42 »

Make a mask of black/white stripes, then blend that with the background image so that you use mostly the striped image. The stripes can be made from a small image that is then tiled out to the size of your background image.
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Re: Black and White Effect

Post by Bonzo »

Below is an example from my website I did a few years ago and did know it could be used for this effect. You could experiment with the dissolve and the line thicnesses for the best effect.

Code: Select all

// Create a image 2px wide and 4px high. Colour the top 2px wide and 1px high black
 exec("convert -size 2x4 xc:none -fill black -draw \"rectangle 0,0 2,1\" tile.png");
// Lay the black and white stripped image over the main image adjusting the opacity to create the desired effect
 exec("composite -dissolve 30% -tile tile.png sunflower.jpg blinds.jpg"); 

// Delete the tempory files 

An improved method without any tempory images. 
This uses the imagemagick miff:- which saves the image into the memory and then the Unix | "pipe".
 This uses the image created in the first part of the code in the second part of the code.

$cmd = "-size 2x4 xc:none -fill black -draw \"rectangle 0,0 2,1\" miff:- | ". 
" composite -dissolve 30% -tile - sunflower.jpg "; 

exec("convert $cmd blinds.jpg"); 
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Re: Black and White Effect

Post by anthony »

create a very small tile image and tile it!
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: Black and White Effect

Post by agriz »

I did that.
is that good?

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