I have ImageA.png and ImageB.png. Both are 100x100 and have transparent backgrounds.
I want to produce ImageC.png, also with a size of 100x100.
I want ImageC to consist of ImageA with ImageB overlaid on top of it, but ImageB is to be reduced 50% and positioned in the bottom right-hand corner, i.e. with an offset of +50+50.
Code: Select all
convert -page +0+0 "ImageA.png" -page +50+50 "ImageB.png" -resize 50% -background None -layers merge +repage "ImageC.png"
almost works but both images are scaled, not just ImageB, and the canvas shrinks to 75x75.
Any help appreciated. I would also appreciate the general syntax for overlaying N successive images, each with its own offset and scaling.