Can anyone suggest how to perform the following distortion with IM?
I have a spectrogram of a piece of music (produced by sndfile-spectrogram) that has a linear frequency axis, which means that adjacent semitones are close and closer together as you go into the bass range, while the top half of the gram is mostly empty empty. What I would like is a spectrogram with a log frequency axis so that semitones are the same distance apart in the bass, midrange and treble, to facilitate deriving and typesetting the score.
I've studied the "distort" manual but can't see one that does what I need. The closest ones seem to be some kind of perspective mapping ("laying it flat on the ground") followed by cropping it and doing another distortion to restore the sides to vertical, or maybe applying some polynomial to approximate a logarithmic scale, neither of which really apply a logarithmic scale to the vertical axis, just something similar.
Is there something I'm missing here, some general way of inputting a formula for the reverse mapping function, or shall I go hack the sources to add my own "logvscale" distort function?
Here's a sample image to explain the kind of source file I'm talking about

though the real thing will be using a much larger input file
Thanks for any suggestions