Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
The TIFF indeed had been a JPEG in its previous life, and ImageMagick was the obstetrician to help it into its new life as a TIFF.
So indeed, your assumption about the JPEG compression was correct. Is this the standard behaviour of IM (that it JPEG-compresses TIFFs when converting them from a JPEG input, and when no other compression method is given on the commandline)?
Where did a.jpg come from? IM? Can you post a link to your tif file? I could be wrong about an imbedded jpg, but the compression jpg may be the issue. I don't know enough about tif
fmw42 wrote:Where did a.jpg come from? IM? Can you post a link to your tif file? I could be wrong about an imbedded jpg, but the compression jpg may be the issue. I don't know enough about tif
Have you tried
convert a.tif -compress none -monochrome b.tif
Yes -- after I had verified your golden hint about the JPEG compression, I added '-compress zip' and that worked (with the 'convert' version that perviously failed).
Thanks for all your tireless support. I appreciate it very much!
pipitas wrote:So indeed, your assumption about the JPEG compression was correct. Is this the standard behaviour of IM (that it JPEG-compresses TIFFs when converting them from a JPEG input, and when no other compression method is given on the commandline)?
When converting to TIFF you should reset the image compression properity, as TIFF can save using JPEG compression.