I'm trying to create text using this command line (win32) :
Regular text are showed correct , but using rounded fonts, generated image are trimed somehow up and downconvert.exe -extent 1500x500 -background none -fill DodgerBlue -font "Channel" -pointsize 60 label:"Aqua Text" -auto-level +repage ( +clone -bordercolor None -border 1x1 -alpha Extract -blur 0x8 -shade 200x200 -alpha On -background gray50 -alpha background -auto-level -function polynomial 3.5,-5.05,2.05,0.3 ( +clone -alpha extract -blur 0x2 ) -channel RGB -compose multiply -composite +channel +compose -chop 2x2 ) -compose Hardlight -composite aqua_text.png

How to correct use and to generate perfect images?
Thanks in advance.
PS. Channel.ttf is here
Just one note for east european users. When use diacritics use CHCP to change codepage.
CHCP 1250
convert.exe -gravity center -background none -fill goldenrod1 -font "JandaElegantHandwriting.ttf" -pointsize 150 label:" Romanian diacritics test. Write: ă Ă î Î â Â ş Ş ţ T " -auto-level +repage ( +clone -bordercolor None -border 1x1 -shadow 2x2+1+1 -alpha Extract -blur 0x8 -shade 200x200 -alpha On -background gray50 -alpha background -auto-level -function polynomial 3.5,-5.05,2.05,0.5 ( +clone -alpha extract -blur 1x1 ) -channel RGB -compose multiply -composite +channel +compose -chop 0x0 -shadow 2x2+1+1 ) -compose Hardlight -composite +repage text_image.png

Used ImageMagick-6.7.9-0-Q16-windows-static package.