Sorry for my question may be naive... Here is a command line:
Code: Select all
convert -size 960x960 -fill white xc:transparent -draw 'rectangle 480,384,960,960' -draw 'rectangle 0,0,320,820' -strokewidth 48 -stroke 'rgb(85,131,157)' -draw 'arc 0,48 320,96 5,175' -draw 'arc 0,168,320,216 5,175' -draw 'arc 0,288,320,336 5,175' -strokewidth 0 \( -size 576x480 gradient:red-blue -rotate 90 -background transparent -extent 960x960-320 \) -composite -resize 96x96 jpicedt1.ico

which is what I expected.
Now I add a transparent image
Code: Select all
\( -size 960x960 xc:transparent \)
Code: Select all
convert -size 960x960 -fill white xc:transparent -draw 'rectangle 480,384,960,960' -draw 'rectangle 0,0,320,820' -strokewidth 48 -stroke 'rgb(85,131,157)' -draw 'arc 0,48 320,96 5,175' -draw 'arc 0,168,320,216 5,175' -draw 'arc 0,288,320,336 5,175' -strokewidth 0 \( -size 576x480 gradient:red-blue -rotate 90 -background transparent -extent 960x960-320 \) \( -size 960x960 xc:transparent \) -composite -resize 96x96 jpicedt2.ico

I am a bit puzzled, the second image with the red-blue gradient is lost just because I am adding a transparent image on top of the list. I would have expected that adding a transparent on the top would have in no way changed the result.
Any help is welcome, I am at the end of my wits

PS: I am using
Code: Select all
convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.1-0 2010-04-02 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP