ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

I have come after longer time and wanted to run my IM. But I tried to fill in the "path" variable which is in Windows Globals. So I filled the path exactly as the Windows format does it like c:\progams... bla bla bla ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 ... After restart, I still run convert.exe from the IM directory (so the convert of system is called when I am in different folder). Can you advice how to fix that?
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

I repaired. The IM path needed to come on the begin of the variable "path".
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by Bonzo »

On every windows installation I have done I have just ticked the box on installation to add path ( or whatever it says ) and it has worked without a problem.
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

I tried to run IM 6.7.7-Q16 and got this message:

Code: Select all

convert test.p
ng -fuzz 20 -fill black +opaque #1700ff -fill  #1700ff -opaque #1700ff testik.jpg
convert.exe: RegistryKeyLookupFailed `CoderModulesPath' @ error/module.c/GetMagickModulePath/673.
convert.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `test.png' @ error/constit
ute.c/ReadImage/544.convert.exe: no images defined `testik.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3021.
What could be problem? IM directory in global PATH set in Windows XP

Solved: I installed newest version
Last edited by VanGog on 2014-05-31T12:24:11-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by fmw42 »

convert test.p
ng -fuzz 20 -fill black +opaque #1700ff -fill #1700ff -opaque #1700ff
Is this a typo or are there really new lines after test.p continuing on the next line to ng?

IM 6.7.7 is rather old (about 120 versions old) and going through changes regarding color space and so could be buggy. I suggest you upgrade.
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

fmw42 wrote:
convert test.p
ng -fuzz 20 -fill black +opaque #1700ff -fill #1700ff -opaque #1700ff
Is this a typo or are there really new lines after test.p continuing on the next line to ng?

IM 6.7.7 is rather old (about 120 versions old) and going through changes regarding color space and so could be buggy. I suggest you upgrade.
Hello. It is WIndows XP typo. It adds newline character on end of line when the text is longer then window width.

I have downloaded and installed 6.8.9 Q16 (32-bit) static - but not sure if the "static" was right choice. Is this slower then dynamic version?
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by fmw42 »

In windows, you need to use ^ at the end of line as an indicator of going to a new line. I do not believe you can just hit return. IM will object.

For IM syntax on Windows, see

Sorry, I am not a Windows user and cannot advise about installation.
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

I used single line command
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by fmw42 »

If your command is indeed just one line, such as

Code: Select all

convert test.png -fuzz 20 -fill black +opaque #1700ff -fill #1700ff -opaque #1700ff testik.jpg
That is a valid command and should not give errors. I do not know if your command as is will do what you want, since you did not post input and outpu examples. However, I would use -fuzz in percent, such as in Windows 20%%. If you are on Q16, 20 is out of 65535. If on Q8, 20 is out of 255. That is why I always use percent. Also you might put double quotes about your hex values, though I understand in windows that is not necessary. It is in unix.


-fill #1700ff -opaque #1700ff

does nothing as you have not changed the hex values
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

Note: it was just testing code to see if IM works. I used also the recomended code displayed to me after installation. Notice: that the problem is solved; Im not sure if you noticed that I reinstalled the version and it works nice. But I installed static not dynamic. Im not sure about difference.
fmw42 wrote:I would use -fuzz in percent, such as in Windows 20%%. If you are on Q16, 20 is out of 65535. If on Q8, 20 is out of 255. That is why I always use percent.
That is quite good advice. Thanks.
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by VanGog »

Is there IM release Q8 for x86 Windows binary? I found only 64-bit versions of Q8.
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Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-Q16 instalation in Win XP

Post by fmw42 »

No. This has been asked several times (recently) and the IM developers are not providing that build (unless you want to pay for a custom build). But I will let them reply in case they have changed their minds.

see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=25625&p=111393&hili ... 86#p111379
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