Code: Select all
convert -size 32x32 xc:"#f76023" -colorspace RGB square.png
1) #fa5b31 in Firefox
2) #f56130 in Preview and Safari
3) #f26521 in Chrome
4) #f76023 in Photoshop (Correct)
If I run the same command on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS with ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2012-08-17 Q16, I get the following:
1) #f76023 in Firefox (Correct)
2) #f46130 in Preview and Safari
3) #f26521 in Chrome
4) #f76023 in Photoshop (Correct)
square.png on Linux - IM v6.6.9-7 (203 Bytes)

square.png on OSX - IM v6.7.7-6 (350 Bytes)

Is there some setting like a color profile that I can use to produce correct and consistent colors?