Re: Using the Filename as Text on the image.
Posted: 2010-05-05T11:55:18-07:00
There are some batch file examples on my website:
You probably want to do something based on this:
I am busy doing PC jobs for the wife at the moment
and can not spend any time on this until next week.
You probably want to do something based on this:
Code: Select all
::Turn of displaying the code on the screen
@echo off
:: Read all the jpg images from the directory, resize them, add some text and save as a png in a different directory
for %%f in (%1\*.jpg) do ( convert "%%f" -resize 200x200 -pointsize 18 -fill black ^
-gravity northwest -annotate +0+0 "Some text" "%2\%%~nf.png" )
::This batch file was named resize.bat and called using "resize path\to\original\ path\to\save"