Re: Path points?
Posted: 2010-06-01T17:22:37-07:00
Here is the SVG... give it time it takes a while to load .. it's huge! note: right click save as
Here is the rest of the php code so you can see how things are going.
I will try the dot's out in a few... the blur will be added once i get everything finished
Here is the rest of the php code so you can see how things are going.
Code: Select all
$path = "mvp/stadium/florida/";
$text = "david jones";
$bm = "bitmap/";
$font = "font/trace.TTF";
$bg = "back/Florida.png";
$png = ".png";
$jpg = ".jpg";
$fwidth = 720;
$fheight = 227;
$fx = 550;
$fy = 345;
$skewx = 348;
$skewy = 315;
$text = strtoupper($text);
$final = "convert -font ".$font." -pointsize 90 -kerning 10 -gravity center -size 1000x1000 xc:none -annotate ".$skewx."x".$skewy."+0+0 '".$text."' final".$png;
exec($final, $result);
$final = "convert final".$png." to final.svg";
exec($final, $result);
$xml = simplexml_load_file('final.svg');
list($width, $height) = getimagesize('final'.$png);
$coords = "";
$final = 'convert -size '.$width.'x'.$height.' xc:none ';
$none = 0;
foreach ($xml->circle as $s) {
if ($s['fill']!='none') {
if ($i == 2) {
$rbm = rand(1,4);
$final .= $bm.'bm'.$rbm.$png.' -geometry +'.$s['cx'].'+'.$s['cy'].' -composite ';
else {
$final .= 'final'.$png;
exec($final, $result);
$final = "convert ".$bg." final".$png." -geometry +".$fx."+".$fy." -composite final.pdf";
exec($final, $result);
$remove = "rm final".$png;
exec($remove, $result);
$remove2 = "rm final.svg";
//exec($remove2, $result);
header("Location: final.pdf");