Converting WMF to PNG

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Re: Converting WMF to PNG

Post by dew930 »

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Re: Converting WMF to PNG

Post by snibgo »

SY01197_.wmf is a vector file, so can be rasterised (converted to pixels) at any resolution to give more or less jaggies.

I don't know if the file contains a "desired" resolution.

IM "identify -verbose SY01197_.wmf" says 72 dpi, 360x190 pixels. Windows Paint renders it at 120 dpi (giving 603x324 pixels). Irfanview also uses 120 dpi, but giving only 482x259 pixels. Microsoft Office Picture Manager does something different again. My installation of Gimp can't read the file.

If you (or anyone?) think something in the file should define how the file should be rasterised, please offer suggestions.
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Re: Converting WMF to PNG

Post by magick »

  • convert -density 400 SY01197_.wmf -resize 25% SY01197_.png
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