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Re: Compressing TIF destroys Alpha Channel?

Posted: 2010-07-24T17:16:45-07:00
by Drarakel
Can't download it either.
Does it really have to be a 32bit (per channel) image? (First it was 16bit, then 8bit, now 32bit.) If yes, then I might not be able to test the new file.
jho wrote:Identify now shows me that the image has unaccociated alpha.
The current ImageMagick versions don't display the values how they're really stored. IM converts it now to "unassociated alpha" (if needed), and that's why the info from identify -verbose also displays it as "unassociated" (that applies at least to the non-HDRI versions). Check your old 'untitled.tif'. This one definitely has associated alpha, but identify displays it as "unassociated". :wink:

Re: Compressing TIF destroys Alpha Channel?

Posted: 2010-07-25T05:19:05-07:00
by jho
The download page works here in Opera, IE and Firefox. Have you clicked on this "Free Download" button?

It has to be 32bit per channel because sometimes I have to use 32bit images and I simply want the same picture compressed and not touched in any other way. :(