what is interesting is that if I change the suffix to .jp2, it opens fine in Mac PREVIEW.
Running Exiftool, but don't know what to make of it. The one interesting thing is that it lists:
Code: Select all
exiftool -s -ee -g1 -u -n -D Schutters_1.jpf
---- ExifTool ----
- ExifToolVersion : 8.24
---- System ----
- FileName : Schutters_1.jpf
- Directory : .
- FileSize : 3171563
- FileModifyDate : 2010:08:26 06:46:13-07:00
- FilePermissions : 644
---- File ----
- FileType : JP2
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---- Jpeg2000 ----
0 MajorBrand : jp2
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0 ImageHeight : 3508
4 ImageWidth : 2480
8 NumberOfComponents : 3
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11 Compression : 7
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0 CaptureYResolution : 11811
4 CaptureXResolution : 11811
8 CaptureYResolutionUnit : 0
9 CaptureXResolutionUnit : 0
---- XMP-x ----
- XMPToolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.1.3-c001 49.282696, Mon Apr 02 2007 21:16:10
---- XMP-xmp ----
- CreatorTool : Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 Windows
- CreateDate : 2010:08:24 12:50:22+02:00
- MetadataDate : 2010:08:24 12:50:22+02:00
- ModifyDate : 2010:08:24 12:50:22+02:00
- Creatortool : Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows
---- XMP-dc ----
- Format : image/jpx
---- XMP-xmpMM ----
- InstanceID : uuid:7E60C2466DAFDF119825FF90832F1D6B
- DocumentID : uuid:7D60C2466DAFDF119825FF90832F1D6B
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- HistoryWhen : 2009:12:09 15:09:20+01:00, 2009:12:09 15:09:35+01:00, 2009:12:09 15:09:35+01:00
- HistorySoftwareAgent : Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows
- HistoryChanged : /, /
- HistoryParameters : from image/jpeg to image/tiff, converted from image/jpeg to image/tiff
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---- XMP-photoshop ----
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- History :
---- XMP-tiff ----
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---- XMP-exif ----
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- ColorSpace : 1
---- Composite ----
- ImageSize : 2480x3508