Re: merging looped animations serially
Posted: 2011-06-29T07:08:34-07:00
Thanks, you directed me to the show_morph script in one of my earlier posts and I've bookmarked it for future reference. I have interests in computer vision, and its cousins - graphics, image processing and so on - so I will be looking more closely at your scripts (yours and Fred's) and posts on this forum.
I've been hacking C-Graph solo for some time now. I finished writing the code at the beginning of March and since then have been limping along - rested for a few days, researched copyright law to handle licensing issues, rested a few more days, being a virtual novice with the GIMP I checked out available tutorials then discovered Inkscape was what I needed, searched for Inkscape tutorials, played with imagemagick picking tips out of the manual and just trying things out, rested some more ...
This was a bit like animation using IM's loop or duplicate.
I'm at the point where I simply need to stop and take a few weeks off.
Thanks, you directed me to the show_morph script in one of my earlier posts and I've bookmarked it for future reference. I have interests in computer vision, and its cousins - graphics, image processing and so on - so I will be looking more closely at your scripts (yours and Fred's) and posts on this forum.
I've been hacking C-Graph solo for some time now. I finished writing the code at the beginning of March and since then have been limping along - rested for a few days, researched copyright law to handle licensing issues, rested a few more days, being a virtual novice with the GIMP I checked out available tutorials then discovered Inkscape was what I needed, searched for Inkscape tutorials, played with imagemagick picking tips out of the manual and just trying things out, rested some more ...
This was a bit like animation using IM's loop or duplicate.
