Re: Dotted chars
Posted: 2011-08-14T17:57:25-07:00
THANKS A LOT!This is your first patterns: . . .
This is your second pattern:
wonderful patterns!
Use instead.
THANKS A LOT!This is your first patterns: . . .
This is your second pattern:
Sure, will edit the OP.Did that help with your dotted Letters? If so, please show a result and your command line.
yes I am late to this discussion, but looking at the solution I wondered if there was a way to get draw to stroke a dotted outline of a font. Seems it works though quite as I expected.xpt wrote:NOTE, the OP has been edited to a QA style to give the scenario/request and solution.
> I'm wondering how feasible it is to use ImageMagick tools to produce dotted characters for kids, so they can practice writing following those dotted letters.
Code: Select all
convert -size 180x80 xc: -font ArialBk -pointsize 72 -gravity center -fill none -stroke black \
-annotate 0 Abc font_ann.png
Code: Select all
convert -size 180x80 xc: -font ArialBk -pointsize 72 -gravity center -fill none -stroke black \
-draw 'stroke-dasharray 1 6 text 0,0 "Abc" ' font_dotty.png
The Discussion was "A Fun Experience with IM"Bonzo wrote:There was a post a while ago where the user was placing tiny images of band members? onto letters in a stadium to spell out names. That would work but I can not remember where the post is now. I only deleted the image off my laptop last week