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Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-24T21:32:45-07:00
by fmw42
michelle wrote:How bizzare, the first time I ran
identify -verbose C:\causes-crash.tif it caused a crash. I ran it a second time, it took about 25 seconds to output. But it worked.
Here you go: ... output.txt
Checking out the installation now... I'll do a install/re-install. Ja, I wish I could away with just mac at work. =)
Try the convert again.
convert image.tiff image.png
perhaps it is the png coder that is the problem.
convert -list format
PNG* PNG rw- Portable Network Graphics (
libpng 1.4.8 )
what version do you get from this command?
What was the error message upon crashing, if it crashes again?
Could it be just a huge image and timing out on convert? Do you have enough memory to do the conversion on a large tiff file? If the tiff file is huge, then you might need a different tiff library for extra large tiff file? How big widthxheight is your tiff image? See the verbose info: you just generated. OK -- 7200x4909 is not too big. The verbose info: looks fine to me.
Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-24T21:40:15-07:00
by fmw42
You could try changing the polarity and/or endian (see your verbose info)
convert image.tiff -define quantum:polarity=min-is-black -endian MSB image.png
Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-24T21:44:16-07:00
by michelle

erfff... no. I installed those packages but its still crashing on the same .tif files.
It doesn't not seem to be related to size. Nothing is bigger than 1MB. Some which fail are only 17KB.
My libpng version is 1.5.4... if I convert the .tif files to .jpg it crashes too making it unlikely its the png encoder.
Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-25T01:27:03-07:00
by michelle
I changed my ImageMagick command and re-processed the 16 files. All of them work.
My command (when things were crashing) was:
convert.exe some.tif -resize 20% some.pdf
Now with this command things don't crash anymore:
convert.exe some.tif -scale 2000 some.pdf
It's most bizzare. I can't think of anything else I changed. If things stop working, again, I'll post back. But I've tested this on a few more files and still no crashes.
Thanks very much Fred (and everyone else) for your replies and concerns. And now onto pdfs... thank-you. Michelle
Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-25T09:08:00-07:00
by fmw42
My command (when things were crashing) was:
convert.exe some.tif -resize 20% some.pdf
Are you on Windows? If so % must be escaped to %%
convert.exe some.tif -resize 20%% some.pdf
See all the differences at
Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-25T10:35:45-07:00
by michelle
ha ha, yes! that is it. crazy, crazy windows! !

Re: ImageMagick crashes on "random" .tif files
Posted: 2011-08-25T14:16:15-07:00
by fmw42
michelle wrote:ha ha, yes! that is it. crazy, crazy windows! !

Glad that was it.
FYI: Things often get resolved much faster when you show your exact command and identify your version of IM and platform in your first post for any given topic.