auday wrote:Yes, but that's my point, I know it's not the resizing, even if you do nothing the file-format still changes, which is my point. I don't think it's the right behavior.
If you do something like: convert test.png test2.png, you should get the exact same file byte to byte.
You certainly won't get that, even after PNG00 is fixed. PNG (and therefore ImageMagick) does not keep a record of the compression
settings that were used in producing the file, so it can't reproduce them. In your test.png, apparently you used really
poor settings because even the test.png -> png32:test32.png results in a new file that is half the size of the
original. But anyhow, as I said in an earlier message, I agree that PNG00 is buggy with respect to png32 input, but
the fix is not trivial.
If you want to optimize it, you should do:
convert test.png -optimize OPTIONS test2.png
if you want to resize and optimize:
convert test.png -resize 50% -optimize OPTIONS test2.png
OPTIONS could be something like:
or something similar.
Well, we've tried that, and eventually I'll get it working. That's what PNG00 is supposed to do.
I don't think it will keep the interlacing at the moment, but I'm not sure.... OK I just tested and
it does *not* preserve the interlacing. Perhaps it should.
The point is, I don't want ImageMagick to over do what it's asked to do. Or at least if I specifically ask it to keep the format (PNG00) then it should respect that, and if I ask it to use trueColor it should respect that.
The way it is right now, is not useable in my case, which I understand is a very rare case, but still a valid case with a valid expectations IMO.