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Re: How Can I Batch Adjoin Multiple Images From Two Folders?

Posted: 2014-04-28T05:38:58-07:00
by snibgo
What do the square brackets [] do in 0220100001[].jpg? Do they make any difference?

You might try:

Code: Select all

set FOLDER_A=\blah\blah
set FOLDER_B=\another\blah
set FOLDER_OUT=\out_blah

for %%F in (%FOLDER_A%\02201*.jpg) do (
  if exist %FOLDER_B%\%%~nxF %IM%convert %%F %FOLDER_B%\%%~nxF +append %FOLDER_OUT%\%%~nxF
Type "for /f" for help on "for". This script sets %%F to each full filename in turn. %%~nxF is the name and extension, without the dive or directory, of each file.

Re: How Can I Batch Adjoin Multiple Images From Two Folders?

Posted: 2014-04-29T03:31:36-07:00
by Sibrah
Am I repalacing %%F with for /f?
Do i have to expand the for statement further?
I tried the script and it worked. Thanks So much.