Re: Replace ANY colour Except #ffffff with #000000
Posted: 2014-06-21T17:10:24-07:00
Thats odd... when I execute that command once
once, I get this:

twice this:

and three times this...

and the colorize IS already on 100... either I'm missing something here... or...
Code: Select all
for %%x in (*gif) do convert %%x ( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 ) +swap -alpha set ( -clone 1 ( -clone 0 +transparent #F4F4FC ) ( -clone 0 +transparent #F7F7FF ) ( -clone 0 +transparent #F9F9FF ) -delete 0 -evaluate set 0 -layers flatten -negate ) -compose Over -composite %%x

twice this:

and three times this...

and the colorize IS already on 100... either I'm missing something here... or...