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Re: ImageMagick crashed Weblogic in Enterpise Oracle Redhat Linux 7.2

Posted: 2016-12-18T04:27:49-07:00
by nazakatqureshi
OS: Linux Fedora 25
JAVA: Oracle JDK 1.7.79

Version: ImageMagick 6.9.3

gs -version
GPL Ghostscript 9.20 (2016-09-26)
Copyright (C) 2016 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ghostscript devel Version: 9.20

Re: ImageMagick crashed Weblogic in Enterpise Oracle Redhat Linux 7.2

Posted: 2016-12-18T04:30:22-07:00
by nazakatqureshi
Please Let me know if you need any other information, Also can you guide me how to use JMagick with ImageMagick 7?

Re: ImageMagick crashed Weblogic in Enterpise Oracle Redhat Linux 7.2

Posted: 2016-12-18T07:35:51-07:00
by magick
The failure appears to be in Ghostscript rather than ImageMagick. Can you identify the specific PDF that is failing or is it random? If its a specific PDF, try reading it from the command line with the 'gs' program. Is it reporting a PDF exception? If its a random PDF, it might be a threading issue or a resource constraint. Does it work if you use a single thread? You can force a single thread in your Java code or add
  • entry->thread_support=NoThreadSupport;
to the ImageMagick coders/{ps.c,ps2.c,ps3.c,pdf.c} Register methods. See coders/jpeg.c as an example, this module is already single threaded.

Re: ImageMagick crashed Weblogic in Enterpise Oracle Redhat Linux 7.2

Posted: 2016-12-18T23:26:42-07:00
by nazakatqureshi
in my multi threaded test case I am using one file and the file processed successfully in most of the cases, fail randomly for few thread, even if change the file I usually get the same error.

Please note that I am getting more or less same kind of error if I use Synchronize block in my java code as in that way I can only force to send a single file to IM and I think when the same file is processed in IM, according to documentation its processed page by page (each page may be processed by different thread hence, multi threaded).

In order to make it single threaded , can I use policy.xml file instead of c Code, and if its true then why "<policy domain="resource" name="thread" value="1"/>" is not working? Any suggestion in this regards.

Re: ImageMagick crashed Weblogic in Enterpise Oracle Redhat Linux 7.2

Posted: 2016-12-19T00:20:38-07:00
by nazakatqureshi
Secondly even if its fail, is there is any way or setting which will help to avoid the restart of application server like Weblogic or tomcat? Because even with this problem we still want to go with IM as its really fast, the other option is pdfbox/JPedel but its no where near to IM when its come to performance.

Re: ImageMagick crashed Weblogic in Enterpise Oracle Redhat Linux 7.2

Posted: 2016-12-19T04:23:45-07:00
by magick
The thread policy affects the number of OpenMP threads, not any threads that your program may generate. Which reminds us, mixing OpenMP with other threading models are not always supported on some OS's. You could try disabling OpenMP in ImageMagick, add --disable-openmp on your configure script command-line, build and reinstall. Also try the single threading as we mentioned in the PDF & PS coders. Beyond that we can't help without reproducing the problem. You have Weblogic, JMagick, Java, Ghostscript, and ImageMagick. The failure might be a result of any or all of these apps. If you narrow it down to ImageMagick such that we can reproduce it in our local environment, we likely will be able to help further.