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Re: Photo to cartoon script

Posted: 2010-01-11T15:08:59-07:00
by festr
I've made a blog about my motivation about this subject, it could be usefull for someone. ... ation.html

Re: Photo to cartoon script

Posted: 2010-01-31T18:33:15-07:00
by fmw42
festr wrote:Hi, I've been searching for good color segmentation algorithms and noone does not sutisfied me except of

I've created google code mirror to that program and modified it a little bit to allow compile on Linux and fix some bugfixes (segmentation faults). Checkout

There is compiled binary segm which should run on any linux with and it needs convert program installed.
Hello festr,

Might you be able to give me some pointers as to how I might run or compile your modified code on my Mac OSX. I would greatly appreciate it. I have been trying to install their original code and get all kinds of error messages. I would really like to investigate this code.


Fred Weinhaus
fmw at alink dot net

Re: Photo to cartoon script

Posted: 2010-02-01T02:42:39-07:00
by festr
have you tried version from ?

Re: Photo to cartoon script

Posted: 2010-02-01T09:32:15-07:00
by fmw42
yes, but it does not recognize the command

segm smhouse.ppm
-bash: segm: command not found

but I don't know about

Mac does not use .so as far as I know. where can I get libstdc++ for mac? Sorry I know little about Linux.

Re: Photo to cartoon script

Posted: 2010-02-01T11:33:06-07:00
by festr
you have to ask to some mac developer

Re: Photo to cartoon script

Posted: 2010-02-02T18:24:43-07:00
by fmw42
Here are some attempts using IM -segment



convert oriental_lady.jpg -segment 1000x0.5 oriental_lady_seg_1000x0p5.gif


convert oriental_lady.jpg -segment 1000x0.1 oriental_lady_seg_1000x0p5.gif
