Re: IM equivalent of GIMP - Levels - Output
Posted: 2014-07-15T09:19:34-07:00
You simply create a hald image in IM
The larger the hald value, the more accurate the colors are. But hald: 8 should be good enough for saving your result as jpg.
Now take hald_8.png to GIMP and apply all your processing to it that you used on your image. Then save the result as hald_8_processed.png or whatever name you want. Note, you should not use a Hald image if your processing does any blurring or sharpening. It is only for point operations that are applied to every pixel, such as color change, brightness or contrast, but no masking either.
Now take it back to IM and apply it to your image
That is all you need to do.
If you want to apply it to a large number of images. Create a loop over each image and apply the same hald_8_processed.png to each image. The looping structure is different for Windows and Linux/Mac OS. But the IM command is the same. You can save the loop and command as a script and apply it to any image
script infile outfile
or in Windows, the bat script can be a drag and drop.
If you are on unix, I can help with the script. Others can help if on Windows.
Code: Select all
convert hald:8 hald_8.png
Now take hald_8.png to GIMP and apply all your processing to it that you used on your image. Then save the result as hald_8_processed.png or whatever name you want. Note, you should not use a Hald image if your processing does any blurring or sharpening. It is only for point operations that are applied to every pixel, such as color change, brightness or contrast, but no masking either.
Now take it back to IM and apply it to your image
Code: Select all
convert web_wh.jpg hald_8_processed.png -hald-clut web_wh_processed.jpg
If you want to apply it to a large number of images. Create a loop over each image and apply the same hald_8_processed.png to each image. The looping structure is different for Windows and Linux/Mac OS. But the IM command is the same. You can save the loop and command as a script and apply it to any image
script infile outfile
or in Windows, the bat script can be a drag and drop.
If you are on unix, I can help with the script. Others can help if on Windows.