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Face Recognition

Posted: 2009-01-01T16:53:21-07:00
by myspacee
hello and good 2009,
have a question abuot Face Recognition of given photo, do you think is possibile with IM ?

or in alternative, shapes (square, circle, etc)

Thank you,


Re: Face Recognition

Posted: 2009-01-02T03:49:25-07:00
by anthony
Not with IM, YET, though it is something some of us are looking at. Basically speicific algorithms for circle and line detection needs to be implemented.

Re: Face Recognition

Posted: 2014-12-21T01:18:28-07:00
by snibgo
Very interesting. Thanks.

Re: Face Recognition

Posted: 2014-12-21T06:12:53-07:00
by Bonzo
Yes interesting but face detection has been around for years and I am told based on an algorithm created in 2002?

What is new about this apart from using Python which I would suggest is limited in appeal although it seems to be the new "in" language?

Re: Face Recognition

Posted: 2014-12-21T12:31:56-07:00
by fmw42
We already have line detection (-hough-lines) and a circle version would be easy to add. It is on my list to prototype with a script. But I think there is more to it than just that. I think skin color must also be detected. OpenCV has a face detection routine, as I recall, one may want to try that.