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exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2009-05-22T02:24:43-07:00
by jumpfunky

i'm using ImageMagick I have tried to convert a tiled tiff to ja pyramidal tiled tiff. I'am using this command

Code: Select all

convert -debug all Lebergimp.tif -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 'ptif:Leber_pyramid.tif'
and get an exception:
2009-05-22T11:14:49+02:00 0:05 2.906u 6.5.2 Exception convert[1328]: module.c/Ge
unable to open module file `C:\Programme\ImageMagick-6.5.2-Q16\modules\coders\
IM_MOD_RL_TIF'_.dll': No such file or directory
A bug?


Re: exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2009-05-22T06:22:30-07:00
by magick
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the problem under Windows or Linux. Type
  • identify -list format
Is support for TIFF included? Is the mode rw+?

Re: exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2009-05-22T07:50:19-07:00
by jumpfunky

Code: Select all

identify -list format
PTIF* TIFF rw+ Pyramid encoded TIFF
TIFF* TIFF rw+ Tagged Image File Format (LIBTIFF, Version 3.9.0beta)

Re: exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2012-08-07T05:39:27-07:00
by ozbigben
I know this is old, but I was getting the same error so for completeness I thought I'd post an answer. The single quotes in the middle of the dll's filename in the error message looked odd so I guessed it was another of those Windows/DOS quirks. Removing the quotes from the output declaration works. ie. in this example:

Code: Select all

convert -debug all Lebergimp.tif -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 ptif:Leber_pyramid.tif

Re: exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2012-08-07T08:32:03-07:00
by pipitas
ozbigben wrote:I know this is old, but I was getting the same error so for completeness I thought I'd post an answer. The single quotes in the middle of the dll's filename in the error message looked odd so I guessed it was another of those Windows/DOS quirks. Removing the quotes from the output declaration works. ie. in this example:

Code: Select all

convert -debug all Lebergimp.tif -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 ptif:Leber_pyramid.tif
Good catch! :-)

Re: exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2012-08-07T10:08:35-07:00
by fmw42
I am no expert on windows, but I think windows needs to have double quotes rather than single quotes when needed

Re: exception: Convert tiled tif to pyramidal tiled tif

Posted: 2012-08-07T19:35:21-07:00
by ozbigben
fmw42 wrote:I am no expert on windows, but I think windows needs to have double quotes rather than single quotes when needed
It doesn't seem to need quotes at all in this instance. I'm converting images for use with IIP Image server ( and am using the following successfully for drag and drop conversion.

Code: Select all

convert %1 -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 -compress jpeg ptif:"%~dpn1_pyr.tif"
Which outputs as:

Code: Select all

convert C:\temp\test.tif -define tiff:tile-geometr y=256x256 -compress jpeg ptif:"C:\temp\test_pyr.tif"
The double quotes around the output filename are just for idiot-proofing as I normally avoid spaces in directories and filenames for image processing.