Hello everyone!
I am new to this forum
There is a list of available commands for VB 6, with some examples?
some links ....
Thanks to all
Gianni (Italy)
This works well for me if this is any help.
REM Image Magick Commands Assembled here in String here.
pid = Shell(S$, 0)
WaitForTerm pid
If pid = 0 Then
REM Load your bitmap back into VB picture box or form here.
End If
Loop Until pid = 0
This calls Image Magick through Shell Using a String then waits until Image magick is done to load back in the Result.
REM Below can be added to your Subs Anywhere.
Sub WaitForTerm(pid)
Dim phnd&
phnd = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, 0, pid)
If phnd <> 0 Then
Rem Form1.Caption = "Waiting for Termination" + Str$(phnd)
Call WaitForSingleObject(phnd, INFINITE)
Call CloseHandle(phnd)
End If
If phnd = 0 Then pid = 0
End Sub
You may find a list of commands/methods when your VB6 project refers to the ImageMagick library, declare a variable, and locate the class MagickImage in the object browser in VB6 IDE.