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Converting TIFF with LZW compression to PDF

Posted: 2009-10-15T09:43:39-07:00
by ee.evans
As an end user of ImageMagick, I develop programs to create PDF's from groups of TIFF images. Most of our TIFF's use CCITT Group 4 compression, but recently our design group has been sending us TIFF's from the CAD system using LZW. Using the command line "convert test_lzw.tif test_lzw.pdf" we get the message: LZW library is not available. If I can get our IT group to install the newest version of ImageMagick, including the LZW library, would that solve the problem?

It is unclear to me whether the LZW algorithm, for which the Unisys patent expired in 2003, is now in the public domain. Anything requiring a license fee would unacceptable as we do a very high volume of this type of work.

We currently use ImageMagic 5.3.3 running on SunOS 5.8

Re: Converting TIFF with LZW compression to PDF

Posted: 2009-10-15T11:23:19-07:00
by fmw42
you are using an ancient IM at v5.3.3-x when the current one is v6.5.6-10 (hundreds if not a thousand versions old). probably best to upgrade. but for any help you should provide a sample image so others can report if the current IM will process it as you need.

Re: Converting TIFF with LZW compression to PDF

Posted: 2009-10-15T14:03:41-07:00
by ee.evans
Thanks for the info. Somehow, our IT group learned of this problem and they said that Version 6 will, indeed, solve my problem. Now, all I have to do is get them to install it.

Thanks again.