Add many object to one image
Posted: 2010-02-02T19:23:15-07:00
As created an A4 paper, After that I put an logo on the top right corner.
This works. (in the future, I would habe probably the paper translucent
- if I even have a virtual paper - which "holds together" all texts.)
Then I would add a variety of texts (and placements)
(Here in the last row I only add one text, but it's not working )
As created an A4 paper, After that I put an logo on the top right corner.
This works. (in the future, I would habe probably the paper translucent
- if I even have a virtual paper - which "holds together" all texts.)
Then I would add a variety of texts (and placements)
(Here in the last row I only add one text, but it's not working )
Code: Select all
Rem Logo with shadow
convert Logo_transp.png -thumbnail "60x60>" Logo60x60.png
convert Logo60x60.png ( +clone -background navy -shadow 80x3+3+3 ) +swap -background none -flatten Logo60x60_shadow.png
Rem Create some text
convert -background none -fill white -font Candice -pointsize 48 label:Headlines -trim ( +clone -background black -shadow 100x3+0+0 -channel A -level 50`% `, 100`% +channel ) +swap +repage -gravity center -composite shadow_outline_darker.png
Rem Place the Logo on the A4-paper
composite -geometry +550+30 Logo60x60_shadow.png A4-paper.png LogoOnPaper.png
Rem some text on the A4-paper (but this doesn't work - something happens with the logo / the text)
composite -geometry +230+30 shadow_outline_darker.png A4-paper.png LogoOnPaper.png