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Windows Binary Release: no delegates?

Posted: 2010-02-04T13:50:19-07:00
by ihs4664
The Windows Binary Release is described here:

It makes no mention of delegates.

All commands (e.g. identify, convert, montage) with the

Code: Select all

-list configure 
command line option report:
DELEGATES bzlib freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
Yet all commands with processing options report (for any image file format e.g. TIFF):
command: no decode delegate for this image format `foo.tiff' @ constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
The C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.9-Q16 folder contains CORE_RL_format_.dll files (for bzlib, jbig, jp2, jpeg, lcms, libxml, magick, Magick++, png, tiff, ttf, wand, xlib, zlib formats).

What am I missing?


Re: Windows Binary Release: no delegates?

Posted: 2010-02-05T15:15:21-07:00
by ihs4664
More info: The C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.9-Q16\modules\coders folder contains over a hundred DLLs, including IM_MOD_RL_tiff_.dll

Re: Windows Binary Release: no delegates?

Posted: 2010-02-05T17:28:40-07:00
by magick
Did you install ... ws-dll.exe? We installed it just a few minutes ago on a clean Windows system and it worked without complaint.

Re: Windows Binary Release: no delegates?

Posted: 2010-02-06T16:39:10-07:00
by ihs4664
Yes, that's what I installed.

What condition triggers the error message?

Re: Windows Binary Release: no delegates?

Posted: 2010-02-06T16:46:13-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick checks the registry to find out the location of ImageMagick's configuration files. Add -debug configure to your command line to verify its looking in the Windows registry.

Re: Windows Binary Release: no delegates?

Posted: 2010-02-08T10:38:01-07:00
by ihs4664
OK, here's what it prints:

C:\Documents and Settings\onc04664>identify -debug configure H:\PDF\CID-LOGS\foo.tif
2010-02-08T10:33:33-07:00 0:00.156 0.000u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: utility.c/ExpandFilenames/871/Configure
Command line: identify {-debug} {configure} {H:\PDF\CID-LOGS\foo.tif}
2010-02-08T10:33:33-07:00 0:00.203 0.000u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: nt-base.c/NTRegistryKeyLookup/1534/Configure
2010-02-08T10:33:33-07:00 0:00.219 0.000u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: nt-base.c/NTRegistryKeyLookup/1534/Configure
2010-02-08T10:33:33-07:00 0:00.625 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: nt-base.c/NTRegistryKeyLookup/1534/Configure
2010-02-08T10:33:33-07:00 0:00.703 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: nt-base.c/NTRegistryKeyLookup/1534/Configure
2010-02-08T10:33:33-07:00 0:00.703 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
Searching for configure file: "H:\\.magick\magic.xml"
2010-02-08T10:33:34-07:00 0:00.781 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
Searching for configure file: "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.9-Q16\magic.xml"
2010-02-08T10:33:34-07:00 0:00.797 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
Searching for configure file: "magic.xml"
2010-02-08T10:33:34-07:00 0:00.797 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: magic.c/LoadMagicList/675/Configure
Loading magic configure file "magic.xml" ...
2010-02-08T10:33:34-07:00 0:00.813 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: nt-base.c/NTRegistryKeyLookup/1534/Configure
2010-02-08T10:33:34-07:00 0:00.813 0.016u 6.5.9 Configure identify[9656]: nt-base.c/NTRegistryKeyLookup/1534/Configure
identify: no decode delegate for this image format `H:\PDF\CID-LOGS\foo.tif' @ constitute.c/ReadImage/532.

What next?