UFRaw Dependency
Posted: 2010-02-09T10:45:17-07:00
I wanted to convert a RAW image to another kind of image on Mac OS X but I got an error about not finding UFRaw. I went to the /usr/bin/ folder to see if the missing file 'ufraw-batch' existed but of course it didn't. So I googled UFRaw and as far as I can tell it should compile fine on Mac. But can I compile ImageMagick so UFRaw is statically linked? I looked in ./configure but I couldn't find an option for that. If it is not possible, then would I be able to pass its path to ImageMagick so it would find it or is that also a no-go? If none of these are possible I could still use UFRaw and ImageMagick separately (converting it to something ImageMagick understands with UFRaw and then do my stuff in ImageMagick with the new file.)
Thanks in advance.
I wanted to convert a RAW image to another kind of image on Mac OS X but I got an error about not finding UFRaw. I went to the /usr/bin/ folder to see if the missing file 'ufraw-batch' existed but of course it didn't. So I googled UFRaw and as far as I can tell it should compile fine on Mac. But can I compile ImageMagick so UFRaw is statically linked? I looked in ./configure but I couldn't find an option for that. If it is not possible, then would I be able to pass its path to ImageMagick so it would find it or is that also a no-go? If none of these are possible I could still use UFRaw and ImageMagick separately (converting it to something ImageMagick understands with UFRaw and then do my stuff in ImageMagick with the new file.)
Thanks in advance.