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UFRaw Dependency

Posted: 2010-02-09T10:45:17-07:00
by JamesGreen

I wanted to convert a RAW image to another kind of image on Mac OS X but I got an error about not finding UFRaw. I went to the /usr/bin/ folder to see if the missing file 'ufraw-batch' existed but of course it didn't. So I googled UFRaw and as far as I can tell it should compile fine on Mac. But can I compile ImageMagick so UFRaw is statically linked? I looked in ./configure but I couldn't find an option for that. If it is not possible, then would I be able to pass its path to ImageMagick so it would find it or is that also a no-go? If none of these are possible I could still use UFRaw and ImageMagick separately (converting it to something ImageMagick understands with UFRaw and then do my stuff in ImageMagick with the new file.)

Thanks in advance.

Re: UFRaw Dependency

Posted: 2010-02-09T12:06:45-07:00
by magick
Download MacPorts and type
  • port install ufraw
Does that not work for you?

Re: UFRaw Dependency

Posted: 2010-02-09T12:10:53-07:00
by JamesGreen
I assume it should work. But will it be statically linked? (I want to use the ImageMagick binaries on more than one computer preferably without having to install UFRaw on every single one of them.)

Re: UFRaw Dependency

Posted: 2010-02-09T12:21:39-07:00
by magick
UFRaw is a external delegate program and therefore is not statically linked to ImageMagick.

Re: UFRaw Dependency

Posted: 2010-02-09T12:56:41-07:00
by JamesGreen
Hmm, that's a pity. Anyway, thanks for your answer :)